Renewing certificates - a horrible hack
I’m hosting my own mailserver to receive mail for the domains i own. My personal mail is running somewhere else. It’s the last public server i’m operating ou...
I’m hosting my own mailserver to receive mail for the domains i own. My personal mail is running somewhere else. It’s the last public server i’m operating ou...
Ich glaube jeder Mensch hat einen oder mehrere Sehnsuchtsorte. Orte, an denen sie oder er gerne sein mag. Orte zu denen man eine besondere Verbundenheit spür...
Dieser Text ist im Grundsatz schon etwas älter. Ich bin irgendwie nicht dazu gekommen, ihn ins Blog zu stellen. Er steht aber ein bisschen mit dem nächsten T...
Als ich gestern auf meinem Garmin die Fahrt beendet habe, habe ich für mich ganz persönlich erst einmal ein Mikrophon gedanklich fallen gelassen.Ja, um es kl...
Auch heute war wieder eine Überquerung der A7 der Punkt an dem ich umgedreht bin. So irgendwie die Elbe östlich von Lauenburg ein gefühltes Hindernis ist, so...
Ich beginne ja mittlerweile meine Texte gerne mit Musik, also Gedanken zu Musik. Dieser Text startet auch wieder mit einem Lied, das ich seit vielen Jahren m...
Wie gross ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen EBike-Fahren und Rennradfahren. Erstaunlich gering wie ich finde. Ich habe mit deutlich mehr gerechnet. Ich...
Verdammt noch mal, es ist Mitte Juni. Nur hat dieses Jahr das noch nicht bemerkt. Eigentlich sollte es warm sein. Zumindestens ein bisschen. Handbekleidung ...
Ich bin heute das erste mal seit längerer Zeit wieder mit Musik auf den Ohren gefahren. Ich habe eine Sonnenbrille, die gleichzeitig ein Bluetooth-Kopfhörer ...
Ich habe durch die ersten Blogeinträge hier einiges über das neue Theme gelernt. Die Bilder, die sich über die gesamte Breite des Browserfenster ziehen, woll...
Meine Gemüt will momentan einfach raus. Das Wetter ist entgegen meiner Erwartung einfach viel zu gut, um Indoor zu fahren. Auch wenn es wahrscheinlich nicht ...
Fenster auf, die Sonne scheint. Naja, ein kleines bisschen. Ich will raus. Liege ohnehin schon zu lange wach rum. I can get no sleep. Wie seit vielen, viele...
Ich arbeite seit gestern wieder. Ich habe ja meinen Urlaub abgebrochen, weil ich den für den neuen Anlauf brauche. Urlaubstage sind halt eine sehr endliche R...
Gestern war irgendwie ein blöder Tag. Und das schmeichelt dem Tag doch sehr. Ich schrieb in meinem letzten Artikel ja, das mein Knie gehalten hat. Nein, hat ...
Eigentlich wollte ich heute schon unterwegs sein. Die ersten 60 Kilometer unterwegs sein. Eigentlich. Aber ich habe eine grosse Dummheit begangen, von der ic...
Ich war in meinem Leben nicht wenig unterwegs. Aufgeregt bin ich trotzdem. War ich immer. Je weiter, desto aufgeregter. Morgen gehts los. Das was da morgen b...
Ich liege wieder früh wach. Es sind noch zwei Tage. Gestern habe ich es endlich geschafft, das Schutzblech ans Rad zu montieren. Ich muss an einer Stelle he...
Fahrräder - und die Teile aus denen sie bestehen - haben einen Auslegungsparameter, der sich Systemgewicht nennt. Systemgewicht heisst so viel : „Die Teile ...
Schutzbleche mögen vor Wasser und Schlamm schützen, sie mögen vielleicht den Rahmen vor kleinen Steinchen schützen, die vom Reifen weggeschleudert werden. Si...
Die Wiederinbetriebnahme des Workflows, um etwas in dieses Blog zu bringen, hat gleich als erstes mal wieder dazu geführt, das ich den ersten Entwurf dieses ...
It’s well before 06:00 AM. I’m sitting on my indoor bike. Somewhat motivated by the last visit to my scale a day before. Thinking that a longer distance ride...
A few days ago. This is the number of kilometers i ran or cycled since 2019. I tried to exactly hit 50000 … didn’t work. Hope that i will reach 6000 km th...
This is my first longer blog entry after getting back to a more frequent blogging schedule. It will be a two part blog entry. It may start with cycling, howe...
(This is a test blog entry (based on a text I started a while ago) for the new Jekyll workflow) Sometimes you see a device which results in a “Must-have” re...
I wanted to get rid of a significant set of cables when I set up my new desk, there were a gazillion of cables flying around on my desk and I wanted to bring...
Ich hoffe, dass das nicht Anzeichen des Alters sind. In meinem Rucksack befand sich eine Thermoskanne. Wirklich. Ich war bisher immer ein Käufer lokalen Kaff...
Verdammt noch mal, es ist Mitte Juni. Nur hat dieses Jahr das noch nicht bemerkt. Eigentlich sollte es warm sein. Zumindestens ein bisschen. Handbekleidung ...
As if the the last few years didn’t happen? Was at the supermarket this morning. People sneezing, people coughing, nobody wears a mask, even those people who...
My new NAS is now “in production” … if there is something like “production” in a home office setting. At last. It’s like with many projects. At the end they ...
From time to time it’s quite useful to appear to be an internet user for example from the US instead of Germany. Or in the UK. Of course there are services f...
I gave myself a christmas present this year. I’m using a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway (short USG) for quite some time now and i thought it would be a good...
I’m currently sitting at my desk looking to an heap of cables. Display cables. You don’t think too much about display cables. At least i did not think too mu...
(This is a test blog entry (based on a text I started a while ago) for the new Jekyll workflow) Sometimes you see a device which results in a “Must-have” re...
This is my first longer blog entry after getting back to a more frequent blogging schedule. It will be a two part blog entry. It may start with cycling, howe...
I’m currently trying to buy a security camera, because i have the suspicion that people are using my property as a shortcut. I had just one thought: There ar...
My house has four Ubiquti Unifi AP-AC-LR access points. Out of whatever reason, the construction of the house seems to attenuate WIFI signals significantly f...
Today i was quite occupied by a search mission: As absence of a proof is not the proof of absence, I was searching for things and I had no proof to myself th...
I wrote this morning that my house has currently no VDSL internet, just cable internet. I’m just back from the street in front of my home. Roughly 50m away t...
The street in front of my house gets a new cycleway on the inbound side of the street. While this is a really great idea because the old one was in an abysma...
I wanted to get rid of a significant set of cables when I set up my new desk, there were a gazillion of cables flying around on my desk and I wanted to bring...
The example with the heating system is a better example than I thought. I learned some additional things over the course of the day. There are workarounds, ...
Sometimes you may think that IT is the only business where workarounds are used. Today i was reminded that other businesses do the same and some even make pr...
A while ago i left X (the website formerly known as Twitter). I assume out of the same set of reason why most people i know left Twitter. I really loved it...
Vorwort - im Nachhinein … Es ist der 1.1.2025. Das neue Jahr ist da. Ich habe mehr als in den letzten beiden Jahren den Text noch nachbearbeitet, weil mir er...
Peter Gabriel hat dieses Jahr wieder ein Album herausgebracht. Ich hatte eigentlich schon die Hoffnung verloren, das “I/O” je herauskommen würde. Denn Herr G...
Hier sitze ich wieder auf meinem Sofa und sinniere über das letzte Jahr. Das Fernsehprogramm ist noch schlechter als sonst. Hinzu kommt, dass am heutigen Tag...
Ich sitze hier gerade an meinem Schreibtisch und wundere mich, das selbst in einem Jahr, in dem es eigentlich empfohlen ist, zuhause zu bleiben, es lediglic...
I’m currently sitting at my desk looking to an heap of cables. Display cables. You don’t think too much about display cables. At least i did not think too mu...
This is my first longer blog entry after getting back to a more frequent blogging schedule. It will be a two part blog entry. It may start with cycling, howe...
The example with the heating system is a better example than I thought. I learned some additional things over the course of the day. There are workarounds, ...
Sometimes you may think that IT is the only business where workarounds are used. Today i was reminded that other businesses do the same and some even make pr...
I’m vegan for a while. I’m not a health vegan, because it’s perfectly possible to eat totally unhealthy as a vegan. I’m the living proof. I’m not really doin...
As if the the last few years didn’t happen? Was at the supermarket this morning. People sneezing, people coughing, nobody wears a mask, even those people who...
My new NAS is now “in production” … if there is something like “production” in a home office setting. At last. It’s like with many projects. At the end they ...
I’m hosting my own mailserver to receive mail for the domains i own. My personal mail is running somewhere else. It’s the last public server i’m operating ou...
From time to time it’s quite useful to appear to be an internet user for example from the US instead of Germany. Or in the UK. Of course there are services f...
I gave myself a christmas present this year. I’m using a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway (short USG) for quite some time now and i thought it would be a good...
I’m currently trying to buy a security camera, because i have the suspicion that people are using my property as a shortcut. I had just one thought: There ar...
My house has four Ubiquti Unifi AP-AC-LR access points. Out of whatever reason, the construction of the house seems to attenuate WIFI signals significantly f...
I wrote this morning that my house has currently no VDSL internet, just cable internet. I’m just back from the street in front of my home. Roughly 50m away t...
The street in front of my house gets a new cycleway on the inbound side of the street. While this is a really great idea because the old one was in an abysma...
This is my first longer blog entry after getting back to a more frequent blogging schedule. It will be a two part blog entry. It may start with cycling, howe...
The example with the heating system is a better example than I thought. I learned some additional things over the course of the day. There are workarounds, ...
Sometimes you may think that IT is the only business where workarounds are used. Today i was reminded that other businesses do the same and some even make pr...
Ich beginne ja mittlerweile meine Texte gerne mit Musik, also Gedanken zu Musik. Dieser Text startet auch wieder mit einem Lied, das ich seit vielen Jahren m...
Das war also mein erstes Mal. Bin jetzt 51. Ich habe glaube ich jede Wahl, seitdem ich ich 18 Jahre bin, auch als Wähler mitgemacht. Ganz sicher bin ich mir ...
I’m currently working on a longer blog entry about measuring systems performance, but this will take some additional days. Meanwhile i would like to point yo...
In case you wonder about my recent uptake in blog entries and in entries about recent purchases, this is at foremost currently getting back into the writing ...
I wanted to get rid of a significant set of cables when I set up my new desk, there were a gazillion of cables flying around on my desk and I wanted to bring...
I’m hosting my own mailserver to receive mail for the domains i own. My personal mail is running somewhere else. It’s the last public server i’m operating ou...
I’m currently trying to buy a security camera, because i have the suspicion that people are using my property as a shortcut. I had just one thought: There ar...
A while ago i left X (the website formerly known as Twitter). I assume out of the same set of reason why most people i know left Twitter. I really loved it...
A long time ago i wrote about a driver for Opensolaris called hitbox or htbx. This driver enabled a Solaris system to simulate properties of a network link l...
One of the nice things about SSH is passwordless login. However that doesn’t mean that passwords can’t ruin your day. Let’s assume you have an account on a s...
As i had quite a fight with a larger IKEA PAX closet for my bedroom, i hadn’t quite the time to complete the ZFS retention article so far. Thus today a small...
Another rather small change that was introduces to Solaris 11 in SRU 66. Up to SRU65 the precision of the timestamps in the logfile was seconds. Jul 5 06:1...
Yet another small addition to Solaris 11.4. This one was released with SRU 57. reboot, shutdown and poweroff got a new option. With -c you can now specify a...
Yet another small feature. I’m working on a blog entry about ZFS retention in the evenings, but it will take some time to complete it. So a blog entry about ...
I’m not allowed to watch games of the national team of Germany. Currently Germany is playing against Spain. Friends and family have forbidden me to watch the...
While the last blog entries were about cycling, I would like to start with Solaris centric blog entries as well. My plan is to write without a planned schedu...
There is an important note in footnote 7 on page 40 of the “Oracle and Sun System Software and Operating Systems - Oracle Lifetime Support Policy”: “As a res...
Just saw the notification that Joerg Schilling, the creator of the cdrtools and Schillix (and many other tools), passed away this Sunday. He was one of the w...
Sometimes it’s useful to enrich your zone configuration with some additional data, so someone can look into the zone config and know for example who is respo...
There was an interesting question on Twitter after i published my blog entry about assigning the authorization to change passwords to regular users: “Can you...
You are an quite busy admin. The systems are well kept. Everything is working fine. However many people work on your system and inevitably some people forget...
You are an quite busy admin. The systems are well kept. Everything is working fine. However many people work on your system and inevitably some people forget...
This is a blog entry from the category “Just because you can do it this way, you should not nescessarily do it this way” albeit the biggest problem with usi...
Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Packaging Install a package called diagnostic/wireshark: # pkg install diagnostic/wireshark Install a gr...
Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Boot Environments Boot Environments are individual bootable instances of the operating system that take advantage ...
Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Locales, Timezone and Keyboard Get current configuration # nlsadm get-console-keymap # nlsadm get-system-lo...
Starting today i’m beginning the next part of my brain dump project. I will port the Solaris 11.3 Cheat Sheet which i wrote to some extend some years ago int...
This is another blog entry in regard of ZFS and about what you have to keep in mind about it, when working with ZFS. It’s nothing really astonishing, you jus...
Historic values are sometimes quite useful to have an overview what’s happened in the past on your system, but quite often it’s only something you have to re...
Okay, there is one remaining obvious question. What if you have an admin that is responsible for all the systems and you want to give her access to all the z...
As i wrote yesterday, there is an alternate way to configure zone console access. Let’s assume we want to give the user junior the authorization to access th...
When you wanted to access the zone console on Solaris system as a normal user in the past, you needed an authorization. You may remember from a very old c0t0...
A nice tool to get some understanding of the dependencies of processes is ptree tool. With the -c option the contract id (the contract filesystem is one of t...
newtask is an important tool when you start applications in a different project context, for example for resource control purposes. May be you may remember m...
(This blog entry was in the publication queue for a while, so Chris Beal overtook me with his great blog entry) For a very long time there are some security...
Sometimes the timestamps delivered by %Y are not precise enough for debugging purposes. # dtrace \ -n 'syscall::read:entry {printf("%Y", walltimestamp);}'...
I remember i have first talked at a Solaris day in the Vienna Urania about sxadm for security extension administration. At that time we had one security exte...
Some of this improvements are not really new. They were in Solaris for years, however they were not really documented and while many people knew about them t...
This is a quite useful tool. Let’s assume you are working with colleagues on a system on their desktop. They are working on their shells as unprivileged user...
One of the many enhancements to well known tools like truss was the introduction of the option -G to said command. When you truss for a command with -E it sh...
Most of the time when trussing a process you are not interested in all the system calls that are working perfectly and which are scrolling by in high speed. ...
Yesterday i wrote in “prstat -x” about the addition of a feature to show the FMRI of the service which the process is part of. ps got a similar enhancement. ...
SRU 31 of Oracle Solaris 11.4 has been published today. You will find more information about the changes here.
This is a rather small change in one of the Solaris 11.4 SRUs. SMF had so far three methods. You could have a start method, which is as the name says meant t...
Another addition to svcbundle was the addition to set user group privileges to directly create manifests for SMF that didn’t need manual editing to ...
Even such venerable tools like useradd could use some extra features. In a recent SRU an option was added to set a default how the home directory is created....
Solaris 11.4 got a small extension to the iostat command. In a time when storage storage gets faster and faster, you may end in a sitation where the wsvc_t a...
This isn’t a everyday tool, however for diagnosing problems gcore is one of the important tools in your toolbox. With gcore you can create a core image of ea...
Another extenstion to the svcbundle tool is the introduction of -s delay= and -s jitter= for periodic SMF services services. If you have something to start i...
svcbundle is an really useful tool to create SMF manifestes without having to hassle too much with XML. Most often you don’t have to work with XML at all , b...
Short anwser: The newest one you can get on the day you are reading this. The long answer: All the features i’m writing about in the last few days didn’t ap...
With SRU 30 of Solaris 11.4, the zpool command got a new option for the status command. You can now get some additional information about the devices. This b...
This feature introduced in Solaris 11 SRU 30 is really an interesting one. It’s nothing you should really need often because usually ZFS will do the right th...
In the past customers painted themself into a corner, when they did a rather large jump with their OS versions, upgraded their app as well, upgraded the zpoo...
This is a nifty small feature . Tools like ps,df,du, ls,ps,size,prstat and swap have now the option --scale. This makes the output of those tools much more ...
There were more limits changed in regard of open files has been changed with as well. The change took place in SRU27. rlim_fd_cur has been increased from ...
In a relatively recent Solaris 11.4 SRU a limit was increased in it’s default setting. In 11.4 (no SRU) the limit of of open file for a user was 256. root@s...
A long time ago, i wrote about the /etc/system-parameter user_reserve_hint_pct. It limits the size of the ZFS ARC cache by proxy by essentially limiting the ...
And Darmok and jalad at Tanagra. As i integrated them into Homekit via Homebridge, i had the problem with the Delock sockets with their custom firmware that...
In Oracle Solaris 11.4 SRU30 there was an important change with LDOMS you should be aware of as you probably have to do an administrative step to get best pe...
I got one question via Twitter: “What if there were a convenient way to run typical Unix commands in a sandbox? E.g. grep, awk, sed, etc. Could they work a...
Imagine you have several hundred systems to manage. The systems are for separate projects and each project has different teams of admins and only assigned ad...
Some time ago i was asked to provide a walktrough for the configuration of LDAP in Solaris 11. It’s a walkthrough how to set up LDAP name services for Solari...
Darren Moffat just pointed to this in his Twitter feed about an package for Solaris that would make installation of this great tool really comfortable. Virtu...
Recently i had a customer with a problem: The customer configured an IPMP group with a number of additional IPs. They had a number of application servers run...
Darren Moffat just wrote in the Solaris blog on about an important news for Oracle Solaris 11.4: Solaris just got its Common Criteria cerfica...
I’m currently working on a longer blog entry about measuring systems performance, but this will take some additional days. Meanwhile i would like to point yo...
I’m back from Koblenz. My brother asked me to help to fetch something from this town and as was on a weekend and i’m on vacation the obvious answer was to a...
I have seen and experienced a lot of things when driving on the Autobahn through Germany. I have seen quite a few crashes, smaller and larger ones. To this d...
My new NAS is now “in production” … if there is something like “production” in a home office setting. At last. It’s like with many projects. At the end they ...
From time to time it’s quite useful to appear to be an internet user for example from the US instead of Germany. Or in the UK. Of course there are services f...
I gave myself a christmas present this year. I’m using a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway (short USG) for quite some time now and i thought it would be a good...
My house has four Ubiquti Unifi AP-AC-LR access points. Out of whatever reason, the construction of the house seems to attenuate WIFI signals significantly f...
Ich hoffe, dass das nicht Anzeichen des Alters sind. In meinem Rucksack befand sich eine Thermoskanne. Wirklich. Ich war bisher immer ein Käufer lokalen Kaff...
Das war also mein erstes Mal. Bin jetzt 51. Ich habe glaube ich jede Wahl, seitdem ich ich 18 Jahre bin, auch als Wähler mitgemacht. Ganz sicher bin ich mir ...
Ich arbeite seit gestern wieder. Ich habe ja meinen Urlaub abgebrochen, weil ich den für den neuen Anlauf brauche. Urlaubstage sind halt eine sehr endliche R...
Gestern war irgendwie ein blöder Tag. Und das schmeichelt dem Tag doch sehr. Ich schrieb in meinem letzten Artikel ja, das mein Knie gehalten hat. Nein, hat ...
Eigentlich wollte ich heute schon unterwegs sein. Die ersten 60 Kilometer unterwegs sein. Eigentlich. Aber ich habe eine grosse Dummheit begangen, von der ic...
Ich war in meinem Leben nicht wenig unterwegs. Aufgeregt bin ich trotzdem. War ich immer. Je weiter, desto aufgeregter. Morgen gehts los. Das was da morgen b...
Ich liege wieder früh wach. Es sind noch zwei Tage. Gestern habe ich es endlich geschafft, das Schutzblech ans Rad zu montieren. Ich muss an einer Stelle he...
Fahrräder - und die Teile aus denen sie bestehen - haben einen Auslegungsparameter, der sich Systemgewicht nennt. Systemgewicht heisst so viel : „Die Teile ...
Schutzbleche mögen vor Wasser und Schlamm schützen, sie mögen vielleicht den Rahmen vor kleinen Steinchen schützen, die vom Reifen weggeschleudert werden. Si...
Die Wiederinbetriebnahme des Workflows, um etwas in dieses Blog zu bringen, hat gleich als erstes mal wieder dazu geführt, das ich den ersten Entwurf dieses ...
Ich bin heute das erste mal seit längerer Zeit wieder mit Musik auf den Ohren gefahren. Ich habe eine Sonnenbrille, die gleichzeitig ein Bluetooth-Kopfhörer ...
Ich habe durch die ersten Blogeinträge hier einiges über das neue Theme gelernt. Die Bilder, die sich über die gesamte Breite des Browserfenster ziehen, woll...
Meine Gemüt will momentan einfach raus. Das Wetter ist entgegen meiner Erwartung einfach viel zu gut, um Indoor zu fahren. Auch wenn es wahrscheinlich nicht ...
Fenster auf, die Sonne scheint. Naja, ein kleines bisschen. Ich will raus. Liege ohnehin schon zu lange wach rum. I can get no sleep. Wie seit vielen, viele...