Another rather small change that was introduces to Solaris 11 in SRU 66. Up to SRU65 the precision of the timestamps in the logfile was seconds.

Jul  5 06:13:48 solaris genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] SunOS Release 5.11 Version 64-bit
Jul  5 06:13:48 solaris genunix: [ID 473032 kern.notice] Copyright (c) 1983, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

However since SRU66 Solaris provides fractional timestamps:

Jul  5 09:44:22.030 testbed genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] SunOS Release 5.11 Version 64-bit
Jul  5 09:44:22.030 testbed genunix: [ID 473128 kern.notice] Copyright (c) 1983, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Furthermore you can change the precision can be changed by the properties of an SMF service.

root@testbed:/var/adm# svccfg -s svc:/system/system-log:default setprop config/time_precision = integer: 5
root@testbed:/var/adm# svcadm refresh svc:/system/system-log:default

After this change, the timestamps will have 5 digits in the fractional part of the timestamp.

Jul 25 15:23:51.24155 testbed genunix: [ID 936769 kern.notice] ramdisk1024 is /pseudo/ramdisk@1024
Jul 25 15:23:51.25119 testbed isa: [ID 202937 kern.notice] ISA-device: pit_beep0

In addtional to this change, the timestamp format has been changed to enable logging beyond January 2038.

Written by

Joerg Moellenkamp

Grey-haired, sometimes grey-bearded Windows dismissing Unix guy.