I was once told that for a time i kept my blog in a state, that was comparable to leave your baby, which you have put in a lot of effort into, in the gutter. A very direct comment, but not to be dismissed. To be honest: It was totally correct. Links were not working. No redirection to SSL. And so on. At that time , i tried to repair as much as possible. But there is a spiral down to the gutter, when you are not working frequently on it. Some kind of quality death spiral. The blog started to deteriorate again. Uncorrected errors. Work half done but then postponed, because other things were more important.

Together with the decision to migrate to a Gitea actions based workflow to publish blog entries, i decided to do at least try a yearly spring cleaning in the blog from now on . This spring cleaning was in the last few evenings and for the link repair it will take a few additional days.

What i have done so far?

  • The blog is now hardwired to dark mode. I just like it better this way.
  • I now try to add a description to at least each blog entry. For a few recent ones i already added them to existing blog entries.
  • I have changed the fonts. Instead of Noto, I’m now using Atkinson Hyperlegible Next and Aktkinson Hyperlegible Mono. The Hyperlegible fonts have an interesting story behind them. They are meant for people with low vision. I think this font is really easy to read. And it looks good.
  • The blog has now a reading time guesstimator. Usual word count divided by constant algorithm.
  • I corrected dead links when i saw them. But there are more.
  • My two step processes (staging and production) is now a two step process with a playground (staging, draft and production). Staging ist the new playground. The output of the staging branch is available at http://salzkaramellschokoladengummiklumpen.de1. Don’t expect any large differences … it’s just a branch of the repository to try something out without influencing the website with almost the same content. Draft is of course to see the output of Jekyll on a live webserver.
  • Slight correction to the data privacy statement. For a long time the blog isn’t using any cookies, counting pixels and the logfiles are anonymized by the webspace provider, rule of no embedding, locallized fonts. I put a preface on the statement page, indicating this. I’m simply not interested in having any personal data. To an extreme.
  • RSS symbol at the top and in the social links section at the bottom
  • Revised .htaccess file for redirection to https://www.c0t0d0s0.org
  • An first attempt on integrating a table of content.


However, there is a large job in front of me. The template is using the @import directive of SASS. It’s deprecated now and my logfiles are only not piling up, because i supressed those messages. At some point in time i have to migrate it. But not now …

Another projects for the future is a nicer integration of a table of content. I have the tendency to write long blog entries. But the standard table of content in this blog entry doesn’t look really nice. I’m working on a better integration. This is one of the reason why got the two stages approach working.

  1. This is what you are get if you leave a rest of the vegan salt caramel schokolade in a bag with rest of sour soft sweets in your glove box while the sun is heating your car and the glovebox. Tastes much better than it sounds. I’m using this domain for a while for testing purposes, because … well … you can’t use it for anything else … 

Written by

Joerg Moellenkamp

Grey-haired, sometimes grey-bearded Windows dismissing Unix guy.