Yet another small addition to Solaris 11.4. This one was released with SRU 57. reboot, shutdown and poweroff got a new option. With -c you can now specify a comment that is stored in the wmtpx file for mentioned administrative commands. For example to document the reason why yo rebooted the system.

root@testbed:~# reboot -c "reboot for no reason"
root@testbed:~# halt -c "Halting for no reason"
root@testbed:~# poweroff -c "poweroff for no reason"

You can view this comments when executing last:

jmoekamp  reboot       reboot for no re Wed Jul 10 21:39 - down   (23:59)
jmoekamp  poweroff     poweroff for no  Wed Jul 10 21:34 - down   (00:01)
jmoekamp  halt         Halting for no r Wed Jul 10 21:30 - down   (00:01)

Or you could look at the comments simply by dumping the wtmpx file:

jmoekamp@testbed:/var/adm$ /usr/lib/acct/fwtmp < /var/adm/wtmpx  | grep "reason" | tr -s ' '
jmoekamp halt 0 11 0000 0000 1720639844 0 0 22 Halting for no reason Wed Jul 10 19:30:44 2024
jmoekamp poweroff 0 11 0000 0000 1720640058 0 0 23 poweroff for no reason Wed Jul 10 19:34:18 2024
jmoekamp reboot 0 11 0000 0000 1720640363 0 0 21 reboot for no reason Wed Jul 10 19:39:23 2024

For example, you could refer to an internal ticket in the comment or just write down a short comment there like “check for configuration persistency”. Of course the length of comments has to be in the limits of the wtmpx file. So be concise.

Written by

Joerg Moellenkamp

Grey-haired, sometimes grey-bearded Windows dismissing Unix guy.