Another addition to svcbundle
was the addition to set
- user
- group
- privileges
to directly create manifests for SMF that didn’t need manual editing to adhere to the best practice that you should run services always at the least nescesarry privileges.
svcbundle -s service-name=site/narf \
-s start-method="/lib/svc/method/narf %m" \
-s stop-method="/lib/svc/method/narf %m" \
-s refresh-method="/lib/svc/method/narf %m" \
-s model=daemon \
-s user=webserv \
-s group=webgrp \
-s privileges='basic,!proc_session,!proc_info,!file_link_any,net_privaddr'
<method_credential user="webserv" group="webgrp"
Please keep in mind, that svcbundle
doesn’t check if the user or group actually exists on your system, because most often you will create a manifest in development and the user and group on you production systems may be totally different ones.