
About Solaris, IT and cycling.

S11.4CS: General Administration - Packaging

Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Packaging Install a package called diagnostic/wireshark: # pkg install diagnostic/wireshark Install a gr...

S11.4CS: General Administration - Boot Environments

Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Boot Environments Boot Environments are individual bootable instances of the operating system that take advantage ...

S11.4CS: General Administration - Users and roles

Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Users and Roles Revert root to a normal user account # rolemod -K type=normal root Configure root as a ...

S11.4CS: General Administration - Locales, timezone and keyboard

Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration Locales, Timezone and Keyboard Get current configuration # nlsadm get-console-keymap # nlsadm get-system-lo...

Solaris 11.4 Cheatsheet

Starting today i’m beginning the next part of my brain dump project. I will port the Solaris 11.3 Cheat Sheet which i wrote to some extend some years ago int...

S11.4CS: General Administration - System Configuration

Oracle Solaris 11.4 General Administration System Configuration Common system configuration tasks have changed in Oracle Solaris 11 with the Service Mana gem...

Tales from the bike saddle: Relatively time efficient

I’m a much better cyclist than a runner. However i often thought that spending calories by running is much more effcient than cycling. Thus i did the math to...