Tales from the saddle - Safer cycling with the "idiots!"-assumption
(Yes, i’m starting to blog again. About whatever crosses my mind. I will put some articles from time to time into my Jekyll for publication the next day at ...
About Solaris, IT and cycling.
(Yes, i’m starting to blog again. About whatever crosses my mind. I will put some articles from time to time into my Jekyll for publication the next day at ...
Ich sitze hier gerade an meinem Schreibtisch und wundere mich, das selbst in einem Jahr, in dem es eigentlich empfohlen ist, zuhause zu bleiben, es lediglic...
Just saw the notification that Joerg Schilling, the creator of the cdrtools and Schillix (and many other tools), passed away this Sunday. He was one of the w...
Of course the privilege to change other peoples password can be encapsulated into a role, so you have an additional authentication by using the role passwor...
Sometimes it’s useful to enrich your zone configuration with some additional data, so someone can look into the zone config and know for example who is respo...
There was an interesting question on Twitter after i published my blog entry about assigning the authorization to change passwords to regular users: “Can you...
You are an quite busy admin. The systems are well kept. Everything is working fine. However many people work on your system and inevitably some people forget...