about Victoria Falls and Utilisation

Our execs were able to spread some really good news at the Sun Analysts conference. CNet reports about it at Sun dual-Niagara servers due in 2008.
About our new processors:

"We have silicon back (from manufacturer Texas Instruments) and Victoria Falls systems running in the labs at Sun at full speed, full performance," John Fowler, executive vice president of systems, said via Webcast Tuesday. "In the first half of calendar 2008, we will introduce products based on Victoria Falls."


Niagara blade servers will go on sale in the first half of 2007, Fowler said, and Victoria Falls blade servers will follow in the first half of 2008.

Besides of this Jonathan explains, why Sun invests in such a massive way (Zones,XEN,LDOMS) to virtualisation:

"If a server maker offers doubled server utilization rates, "will the customer buy a half a computer? No, if you double utilization, people buy twice the number of your computers," he said.