
It’s my personal blog

I’m working for Oracle. However this is my personal blog. I write it in my personal time. It runs on my personal infrastructure privately paid and not on Oracle infrastructure. It was this way since the beginning of this blog, so it didn’t run on Sun infrastructure as well.

I write everything here out of personal interest, to further my knowledge and my love to write things and explain things. Nothing here is the opinion of my employer. Nothing here is endorsed by my employer. Not even that I’m blogging.

The rules of this blogs are the same since the beginning of c0t0d0s0.org

  • only public information
  • everything you can read here you can read elsewhere or in public documentation. It’s just concentrating the information.
  • I had always the rule that everything in this blog must have been published elsewhere at least once and this publication must not be a rumour..
  • this is my blog, not the one of Oracle. So when I’m posting about an event hosted by my employer, it’s because I’m talking there as it’s nice to meet my readers and this is the simplest way. I will not point to events where I’m not a speaker.
  • no comments, not trackbacks. Essentially this is my braindump for my reference, just that i open it up to you. The original blog had comments and they just created problems.


This blog is currently created by Jekyll. It’s a fully static webpage. As i mentioned, there is no functionality to comment. There are no trackbacks. I’m only using the standard logging of Strato, as the static pages are hosted there. This doesn’t contain IP addresses. At least not visible to me. Currently i’m putting my blog entries into github, and the process generated the webpage and syncs them into the webspace. Works reasonably well.

It works for me

When I’m talking about ideas or solutions in this blog, consider it as a report about my own experiences. You are responsible to check everything I write by sufficient testing.

  • Ensure that it solves your problem.
  • Ensure that it will fit into your environment
  • You do this before putting something in production.
  • Ensure that that you have the proper approvals to do so. I’m not responsible if it doesn’t work in your environment or if it wrecks up your environment. I’m careful at posting something here or suggesting a solution. I check my ideas and solutions on my own testbed. I try to mention all caveats that come into my mind. However, I may be forgetting something. Or i’m making errors.

The dirty secret

Just because I got this question in the past: Despite being a blog mostly about Solaris, it is not running on SPARC or Solaris. At the moment it’s hosted on a webspace provider as the blog is now simply a collection of static pages.

The reason for this is simple: As it’s a personal spare time project it was easiest just to drop a plain vanilla Debian on a server back in 2004 and I kept it that way. Furthermore, as this is a personal blog I wanted to be sure that i don’t use any software licensed by a former or current employer. Something that I just could use based on my employment status. Of course it’s not the same Debian of 2004, currently it’s Debian 10.


If an eMail is sent from any domain pointing to this blog it’s always signed via DKIM. The domains have SPF records pointing to the single MX in use. If one of the checks fails you can safely discard it.