Today i wanted to ride to my parents in Lüneburg, it’s not that far … just 40 km and there would be cake at my destination. However i had some problems with my bike for a while now: One of the batteries of my bike didn’t charge. Batteries? I don’t ride an eBike. The gears of my bike are changed electronically. It’s a feature you don’t want if you have never used it, but when you have used it once, you want it. Sequential Shifting is such a great thing.

However the problem is that you just can’t ride without the batteries … welll … technically you can … but then you have very expensive fixie. So no cake today. And a few days ago i prevented me to take the bike with me for a few days off.

The number of stuff to carge gets really out of hand anyway: Bike Computer( for navigation, all my tours are preplaned), front light, radar back light, fall-back normal back light. The powermeter of my bike and the heart rate monitor need coin cells on a regular schedule as well. As i said, it seems there is a point of too much technology on a vehicle powered by a human body.
At the end i found out about the problem: One of the pogopins of the charger had some problems. I don’t know why but after cleaning the pin with some isopropanol it charged without any problems. And i don’t have the foggiest idea, why only one of the batteries had this problem.

Written by

Joerg Moellenkamp

Avid bicyclist, likes california, dreams to combine both.