SunCEC2007 Day 1: 2nd breakout - IT-Futurology by Alec Muffet

IT changes the life, it changes processes, it changes business. Interestingly the way the presentation has to be staged, it showed how huge the possibilites are in everybody´s hand. Alec wasn´t able to make it to Las Vegas out of private reasons. Thus he had prerecord it, send to Las Vegas to a colleague to show it. Would you believed 10 years ago, that we would able to record a presentation with voice on you home computer, generate 166 MB of files and send it via Internet over the world? And this is the point Alec made in his talk, the world of computing will change within the next 5 years even more massively than it has done in the last 10 years, which leads to complete different way to store, to distribute and to process it, leading to the ultimate red shift application. There is only one problem with it … there is no need for servers in this possible future. But there is a need for other Sun technologies: Encryption everywhere, assured data integrity and so on … This was the best presentation so far and in the way presented on of the biggest proofs of it´s contents. Alec, this was really big cinema. Well done! I really hope, that you will publish a single-file version for the public. PS: I don´t present on CEC, but my notebook came to CEC honours today, as it was the only one in the room with a recent version of Quicktime installed. But i have still no idea where is annoying ping every two 5 seconds came from …