links for 2009-02-12

Kessler Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: Wikipedia space astronomy)


You have read to many stuff about aviation when you look at the time table in the train station in Hamburg, read “Intercity Express 787 - 45 minutes delayed” and...

Aerodynamic design is overrated

The bad day is over ... hopefully

I saw several referers from translating engines for the last two entries. Just to make it short: I had an especially bad day today. From the beginning to the end....

Towards Dresden

Bad day ... again - again

Habe ich gerade gesagt, das der heutige Tag ein schlechter Tag ist. Tja … er ist gerade noch besch… geworden: 2 Stunden Verspätung wegen Defekt an der Maschine. Aus 19:45...

Bad day ... again.

I had several bad days in the past … ach was solls, auf Englisch habe ich jetzt keine Lust … Also: Ich habe ja schon einige üble Tage erlebt …...

1 completed, two to go ...

The first presentation of the week is done. This was a CDA/NDA technology presentation in front of colleagues. Three hours. Two to go … and the preso for tommorow is...

Still swamped!

There are several articles in various states of completion for this blogs … but the “I´m swamped” state is still active. I have a presentation on monday in front of...

Sillicon Graphics

Damned, Silicon Graphics was one of the companies that delivered dream machines for nerds in the 90ies and owned the media business at that time. Some years ago, SGI was...

links for 2009-02-07

Duden Korrektor

About Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Frequent readers of my blog may remember, that i´m really a little bit hesitant to believe that there is really a technical reason for server virtualisation - at least in...


Auf dem ersten Treffen der HHOSUG habe ich versprochen, ein Wiki aufzusetzen als Medium zur Kommunikation, zur Zusammenarbeit und als zentraler Ideensammelpunkt für die User Group. Dieses Wiki ist nunmehr...

Sun Crash Analysis Toolkit 5.1

There is a new version of the SunCAT short before it´s release. SunCAT is an extremly useful tool to analyse Solaris Crash Dumps. A few things were changed in Sun...

links for 2009-02-06

Disaster: LVM Performance in Snapshot Mode | MySQL Performance Blog (tags: performance mysql) Vince Guaraldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: music Wikipedia) Space Calculator - Fishworks - (tags:...

Safety Video

Much more interesting than the standard safety dance of bored stewardesses ;) </param></param></embed> BTW: Here is another great comic regarding the dance …

TPM about Rock - again ...

TPM reports about our new systems in Sun christens once and future Supernovas (i thought the plural of Supernova is Supernovae) … hmmm … well nothing really new aside some...

HHOSUG - Präsentation vom ersten Meeting

So, das ist die Präsentation, die ich gestern auf dem ersten Treffen der HHOSUG gehalten habe. Ist wie immer … ohne die Tonspur vielleicht an einigen Stellen nicht ganz offensichtlich,...

Das war also das 1. Treffen der HHOSUG

Uff … ich bin gerade zu Hause angekommen. Anstrengender Tag. Aber ein erfolgreicher Tag, wie ich denke. Zumindestens wenn ich meinen “Hat Spass gemacht”-Indikator anlege. Heute abend war das erste...


Sorry, but i´m totally swamped today. I´m finalizing the the preso for the first HHOSUG meeting at the moment. At the moment the number of participants is somewhere between 20...