links for 2008-02-08

Emergency Zombie Defense Station - Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp (tags: zombies humor)

Less known Solaris Features: Signed binaries

One of problems in computer security is the validation of binaries: Is this the original binary or is it a counterfeit binary? Since Solaris 10 Sun electronically signs the binaries...

zZz is playing: Grip


ISSCC 08 paper about Rock

The paper for the Rock presentation (held on Monday at the ISSCC) is now online. A good read …


Was muss in einem Menschen vorgehen, das dieser wegen einem Verhalten angepestet ist, das man nur gespiegelt hat. Also einfach mal das gleiche Verhalten an den Tag, wie es auch...

Less known Solaris features: IPsec

The secrets of root There were other systems with other roots, other priests and other believers. But how should they communicate with each other without put their secrets in danger....

links for 2008-02-07

Das Leben sollte mit dem Tod beginnen (tags: humor)

SAS Target Mode for Opensolaris

The packages of the Common Multiprotocol SCSI Target have been updated. You will find them at the project page - COMSTAR. This update introduces some interesting new features: SAS...

Forrester about Solaris

Forrester published an paper titled with European Financial Services Architecture shows Clear Strategic Direction. There are some really interesting takeaways in it: Solaris is back on the winner´s podium. [..]...

Solaris Express Developer Edition 1/08

There is a new Solaris Express Developer Edition. The 1/08 release has some nice new features: Solaris (Solaris Express Community Edition build 79b) Sun xVM Server - provides virtual machine...

Die Bahn fördert die Arterhaltung

Obwohl ich einen fahrbaren Untersatz mein Eigen nenne, fahre ich gerne mit S-Bahn. Ich habe einfach keine Lust mich durch den Verkehr zu quaelen fuer eine Strecke, auf der der...

links for 2008-02-05

N-JOY - N-JOY Abstrait (tags: music) IBM responds to Microsoft: OOXML is "technically inferior" (tags: ooxml odf openoffice microsoft) WTF per minute The only valid measurement of code quality (tags:...

Jon Stokes about Rock

Jon Stokes of Ars Technica writes in Sun: Can you smell what the Rock is cookin’?: In the end, I can't say that I'm really sold on Sun's very aggressive...


Am Anfang waren die überwachungskameras dafür da um Verbrechen wie Körperverletzung oder einen Banküberfall besser aufklären zu können oder um wirklich sicherheit zu schaffen, wie beispielsweise auf den Bahnsteigen, damit...

Burning sky

Less known Solaris features: RBAC and Privileges

I´ve wrote a quite long tutorial about RBAC and privileges. I had to divide it into 4 seperate parts: Less known Solaris features: RBAC and Privileges - Part 1: Introduction...

Less known Solaris features: RBAC and Privileges - Part 4: Epilogue

The story of root - reprise And then there was root again. And root was allmighty. And this time, it wasn´t a bad thing. root was able to distribute the...

Less known Solaris features: RBAC and Privileges - Part 3: Privileges

Privileges We´ve talked a lot about RBAC, roles, role profiles. But what are Privileges? Privileges are rights to do an operation in the kernel. This rights are enforced by the...

Less known Solaris features: RBAC and Privileges - Part 2: Role based access control

Some basic terms As usual the world of RBAC has some special terms. Before using it, i´m want to explain the jargon. I copy the exact definition from the RBAC...

Less known Solaris features: RBAC and Privileges - Part 1: Introduction

The Story of root And then there was root. And root was allmighty. And that wasn´t a good thing. root was able to control the world without any control. And...