Sun Cluster 3.2 11/09 release imminent

Sun will announce the availability of Sun Cluster 3.2 11/09. Several interesting features found their way into this release:

Some features found their way into Sun Cluster 3.2 1/09 after it’s initial release via patches but aren’t part of the list of new features in 11/09

There is one important “feature” nearing the end-of-life:

The original Sun Cluster administrative command set, including commands with the prefix sc, might no longer be supported in a future release. Only the object-oriented command set, including commands beginning with the prefix cl, will be available.

You will find the release note of Sun Cluster 3.2 11/09 at PS: The observant reader will have it recognized it immediately this morning: I’ve copied the old 3.2 1/09 list into the article, not the actual 3.2 11/09 version before showering and drinking tea ;). This is the corrected list of new features.