Talk at the FrOSCon 2012

A few days ago i got the confirmation that my talk “Parasitic Hadoop” as accepted for the FrOSCon this year. It’s a talk about a concept, that i’ve used to varying degrees to make use of all the unused drive bays in a rack of servers in idle periods. It shows off things like Solaris resource managers, Solaris Zones, ZFS and other things, however it could be used on any OS with similar capabilities.
The Froscon is a nice, small conference at the University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. This conference takes place on 25./26. August 2012. I think this will be my fourth (2009,2010,2011 and now 2012) appearance at this conference. I really like this conference because of it’s informal style and setting. I will keep you informed about the exact date, time and location. However despite the language of this entry, the language of the talk will be German.