Lost trust

Five minutes. 5 damned minutes. I received a package in my lunch break with a portable hard disk. It was meant as a disk for the virtualized replication target for my main NAS. A replication meant to run twice daily. However, it took me ...


Currently i’m trying to move a lot of stuff to the new NAS. This has one important implication: So far everything the role of the old NAS was to be the target of Timemachine backups and some scratchspace which i could easily discard. It ...

Jekyll and Gitea

This weekend i migrated my blog to a new workflow based on Gitea and Docker. This solves a number of issues for me. But at first would like to explain where i’m coming fromn. The more technical part starts at “Caveat emptor”. History My...

New fileserver

My new NAS is now “in production” … if there is something like “production” in a home office setting. At last. It’s like with many projects. At the end they take slightly longer and had a slight budget overrun. This blog entry is about s...

Mein erstes Mal

Das war also mein erstes Mal. Bin jetzt 51. Ich habe glaube ich jede Wahl, seitdem ich ich 18 Jahre bin, auch als Wähler mitgemacht. Ganz sicher bin ich mir gerade nicht. Aber wenn ich welche verpasst habe, dann fehlen sehr wenige. Bei d...


Ich hoffe, dass das nicht Anzeichen des Alters sind. In meinem Rucksack befand sich eine Thermoskanne. Wirklich. Ich war bisher immer ein Käufer lokalen Kaffees auf den Bahnhöfen, durch die ich fahre. Das ist vielleicht noch ein Überblei...

Renewing certificates - a horrible hack

I’m hosting my own mailserver to receive mail for the domains i own. My personal mail is running somewhere else. It’s the last public server i’m operating out there for my own purposes and it’s more for training purposes. Most of the por...